Create your Masterpiece

Find the Rainmaker inside

Calling all changemakers, pioneers, CEOs and visionaries.

Are you changing the climate in business and beyond?

Do you feel called to bring something greater to life?

You know new life grows inside its mother;

And a butterfly forms inside a cocoon;

That our best ideas emerge when we slow down;

When we stop long enough to hear the voice deep inside;

And see clearly enough what we are here to create.

We call this your Masterpiece.

It’s a portal to a sustainable world;

The greatest contribution you can make for yourself, your family and humankind;

The antidote to your greatest wound;

Inspired by love, created with love to inspire more love.

#Masterpiece is a safe space in which your Masterpiece grows.

A cocoon in which you can transmute your greatest fears into your greatest dreams.

A safe space where you can dive to the bottom of the ocean and climb the highest peaks.

If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes an ecosystem to create your Masterpiece.

Sometimes, we need a likeminded soul to listen to us...

Or to hold us...

An expert to help us untangle our thoughts and emotions.

So, we elevate our purity and clarity.

A space to heal our deepest wounds.

A journey to articulate our Purpose, Mission and hear our Masterpiece.

Alongside likeminded souls.

Each of us helping each other, no matter whether this is our first Masterpiece or our tenth.

#Masterpiece is this and much, much more.

It’s the home of Masterpieces.

Does this sound like you?

If so, let’s talk.

The Journey

14-18 May: #Masterpiece | Clarity

UK: reclaim the power of the true masculine within as the feminine emerges.

28 Sept-2 Oct: Come Home

Nendaz, Switzerland: come home to yourself by surrendering to Mother Nature.

3-6 Nov: Dive Deep

Belize: dive into the depths of yourself and discover another world inside you, waiting to emerge.

 22-25 March: The Samurai Inside

Kyoto, Japan: unleash the Warrior inside you with a Samurai to protect what you cherish most.

Are you ready to join us on this journey of a lifetime? Are you ready to reconnect, reimagine and recreate the ecosystem for the next 5,000 year cycle? Book a call with our team now to take the next steps in your life-changing journey.

See the Full Journey

Discover where we're going next...

Find your unique Pathway

Get a sense of what happened on previous #Masterpiece | Creation modules


#Masterpiece | Creation is a journey and a sacred space within which your Masterpiece can grow and come to life. Each of us needs different things at different times on this journey. Each module features the following:

Elevating vibration

Transmuting fears into dreams.

Holding space

Feeling heard, held, seen and safe.

Becoming purer

Embodying compassion and love.

Getting clearer

Working out what we need next.

Discovering direction

Revealing our Purpose / Mission

Bringing us to life

Realizing our Masterpiece.



We hold a space for whatever needs to come up in the room. Between us, we are equally comfortable guiding participants to the bottom of the ocean, embracing their greatest fears as we are helping them climb the tallest mountains, and realizing their most magnificent dreams.

Identifying our true Vocation

Creating intimacy

Getting money flowing

Elevating our Health

Who should join us?

This journey isn’t for everyone - we will challenge you to become who you are. Between us, we have created Masterpieces that have influenced billions of people. Only consider joining us if you are committed to stepping out of your comfort zone and want to see real change in your world.

"If you're thinking of taking #Masterpiece... and you're not feeling fearful of it, you're in the wrong place..."

Peter Koenig

The Money Guru, Source and Principal at Peter Koenig Enterprises

Who we are

Alexander Inchbald

The visionary behind the #Masterpiece Movement and an extraordinary artist, will guide us through the Pathway of Prosperity—a comprehensive model that embraces all aspects of life: global, business, relationships, and personal mastery. 

Claudia Anghel

An angel in both name and nature, a trusted confidant of Richard Rudd, and an Ambassador for the Gene Keys, will illuminate the profound wisdom of this transformative transmission, infusing every facet of our existence with pure love.

Peter Koenig

The wise and mischievous Source of Moneywork and Sourcework, invites us to use his groundbreaking Reclamation tool to permanently transform our relationship with money and other shadows.

Jean-Philippe Challandes

Professor of modernity, Swiss surgeon of discernment. Jean-Philippe will help us to put the last 5,000 years into the context of the history of humankind. His unique ability is to distinguish with precision what stops true power from flowing through us so we become the author of our lives.

Karen Kennaby

Founder of Ellev8

Your unwavering guide throughout this exquisite journey. I'll be by your side, believing in you, supporting you, and helping you reveal and radiate your light.

Discover what participants say

"I am happy in what I am doing... but always felt there was something more... I was basically preparing myself for another dimension... a leap of faith'

Yves Aubert

Professional Board Member

"If you're not sure where you're going to be in 10 years... then you should be on this program."

Stuart Mackintosh

CEO, OpusVL, Founder of Open UK

"I have so much trust in you... I now want to go on my journey, the next chapter in my life."

Ruth Züblin

Board member, board advisor, corporate communications leader  
CEO of Ruth Züblin Associates

"If you want to live a life of greatness... this is the type of work you need to do... get some magic in your life."

Scott Picken

Chairman, Global Wealth Group—after Module 3 | Self-love

What does the journey cost?

You may be wondering what the price is to join us on this journey... 

We only accept applicants who are ready to invest both emotionally and financially... emotionally to do the deep inner work, and financially, to create a new ecosystem.

So, what is the cost? Well, it's easier to explain the value. Based on the experience of previous participants, we know the value of the four modules is in excess of $50,000.-

For some, this is a drop in the ocean and for others this may be way beyond them.

So, the cost for you depends on many factors: how many modules you join; where you are on your journey and what is a meaningful amount for you. 

You may also be considering combining this Pathway with other Pathways, such as #Masterpiece | Tribes or #Masterpiece | Men to create your own unique Pathway.

All of these factors will vary from person to person. Therefore, the price will too.

If this approach resonates, let's talk.

Helping the Changemakers misfits, crazy ones, artists with wild ideas to become Rainmakers by creating their Masterpiece.


Route de Chaulin 78E, Chamby, 1832, Switzerland

© 2023 Copyright The (artist) inside.  All Rights Reserved


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