Elevate your life

Create your Masterpiece

It is in the darkness that we see the light

So where in your life, right now, feels dark? 

Where would you dearly love to experience more light?

Maybe its in your relationships?

Or in your bank balance?

In your business perhaps?

Or it could be your health?

Or to put it another way, where do you feel stuck? 


Join us as we delve into the shadows that dim your radiance. Together, we will ignite your light across all aspects of your life, inspiring others to do the same.

Deep down, I know you yearn to make a difference; otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

It's time to Ellev8 YOUR Masterpiece...

Whether it's you, your business, an artistic creation, a book, or a movement. 

Uncover and dissolve the barriers that stand in its way, allowing your brilliance to shine brightly.

"Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it" Michelangelo

Let's embark on this journey of discovery together. But let's go beyond discovery...

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." Michelangelo again

Let's set your angel free.

If this resonates, apply to join us.

5 days + 6 weeks + 5 days + 11 months of support


10x modules with WorldClass coaches over 2 weeks
6x weekly Gene Keys calls
6x weekly calls with buddies
Access to 20 hours of videos, apps and tests
Access to a community for questions
Bonus #1: 2x 60 minute 1:1 calls to review progress
Bonus #2: 12 months support to bring your Masterpiece to life
Bonus #3: Additional support to launch your version of #Masterpiece

Unleashing your
Inner Game

We start with your Personal Purpose, the key to your Inner Game. Then, we look at the four relationships that stop us from creating our Masterpiece.

Becoming a Masterpiece again


Articulate your Purpose, your essence or spirit, which describes who you are and why you are here.


Appreciating how you can move from not having enough time to changing 'timelines' by stepping outside of time.


Exploring how to unlock your creativity and attract partners and clients magnetically using the 'note' of your voice.


Understanding how you can heal your most intimate relationships by embracing the lesson they are here to teach. 


Embracing the shadow of money and accepting your role in Mother Nature's grand design.

Upgrading your
Outer Game

As you return home to yourself, you start to hear your Inner Game again. Deep down, you already know what your Masterpiece is. Getting clear on your Mission and Masterpiece provides you with a portal to another dimension.

Understanding your Masterpiece


Defining your Mission, the next chapter of your life and what attracts your tribe to you.


Hearing what you were born to create, your portal to step into a sustainable ecosystem.


Discovering your tribe, the value you create for them and who you need to become to deliver on that promise.


Defining how money flows through your ecosystem to sustain your loved ones, your tribe and Mother Nature.


Developing a Roadmap from beyond time that brings your Mission and Masterpiece to life in time.

Circulating Conscious Wealth

The first two steps of the journey take 8 weeks: one week of 5 modules at the beginning and another at the end, with 6 weeks of bonus sessions, videos and buddy sessions in between. These 6 weeks help you to dive deeper on your own and reclaim what you need to become sufficiently whole to hear your Masterpiece. Beyond that, if you're ready, we can provide the support you need for the rest of the year to bring your Masterpiece to life. Consciously generating wealth from our Masterpiece requires us to rethink, recreate and redesign everything for a sustainable paradigm.

Bringing y0ur Masterpiece to life


Surrendering to the support of a community and guides to help you bringing your Masterpiece to life.


Turning your promise into conscious communications with websites, social media, AI, ChatGPT .


Learning how to love selling without selling—being conscious of the dark clouds and selling with love.


Diverting money through your ecosystem and circulating it sustainably.


Learning to take action with passion and without clinging or attachment to the outcome.

Shine like a diamond

Reveal the angel inside

Ellev8 Your Masterpiece offers powerful tools and guidance to reveal the angel, that bright shining diamond, within you.

Alongside a remarkable group of globally renowned specialists, and supported by a unique community of individuals dedicated to self-discovery, we will unlock your full potential and uplift one another.

Why participants join us

Participants join #Ellev8: Masterpiece for many different reasons

Creating in harmony

Connecting and creating in harmony with Mother Nature.

Transmuting shadows

Elevating low energy to higher vibration by transmuting karma.

Exploring flow

Radically improving relationships with loved ones and money.

Discovering purpose

Discovering your Purpose and Mission on the planet.

Acting with love

Acting effortlessly with love to bring your Masterpiece to life.

Returning Home

Realizing we are everything we need to return home.

Who joins us

This journey isn’t for everyone - we will challenge each other to become who we are. Between us, we have created Masterpieces that have influenced millions of people. Only consider joining us if you are committed to stepping out of your comfort zone and want to see real change in your world.

"If you're thinking of taking #Masterpiece... and you're not feeling fearful of it, you're in the wrong place..."

Peter Koenig

The Money Guru, Source and Principal at Peter Koenig Enterprises

Who we are

Alexander Inchbald

The visionary behind the #Masterpiece Movement and an extraordinary artist, will guide us through the Pathway of Prosperity—a comprehensive model that embraces all aspects of life: global, business, relationships, and personal mastery. 

Claudia Anghel

An angel in both name and nature, a trusted confidant of Richard Rudd, and an Ambassador for the Gene Keys, will illuminate the profound wisdom of this transformative transmission, infusing every facet of our existence with pure love.

Peter Koenig

The wise and mischievous Source of Moneywork and Sourcework, invites us to use his groundbreaking Reclamation tool to permanently transform our relationship with money and other shadows.

Stewart Pearce

The divine voice and presence coach, has empowered the great and the good for over five decades. He will help us harness the power and magnetism within our own voices, ensuring we are seen, heard, and magnify our impact and influence.

Karen Kennaby

Founder of Ellev8

Your unwavering guide throughout this exquisite journey. I'll be by your side, believing in you, supporting you, and helping you reveal and radiate your light.

find out more

Discover the Pathway of Prosperity

Watch the recording of the webinar in which the new upgrade emerged and discover how to stop clinging to old (relationships, thought patterns, beliefs) and stop pushing to create the new (relationship, ecosystem...). Neither work.



In addition to everything detailed above when you join Ellev8: Masterpiece you also receive

Get 1:1 Support

Speak to two of the WorldClass coaches in 60 minute 1:1 sessions to help you get to the bottom of what is blocking you or to create your Masterpiece. These are profound, life-changing sessions.

Continue your Journey

Continue your journey: join #Masterpiece Masterclasses for 10 months to bring your Masterpiece to life and the extraordinary Alumni community to continue elevating your Self.

Launch your own #MasterpieceX

Work directly with us to develop and launch your own variant of #Masterpiece or integrate key modules of #Masterpiece into your own Masterpiece by applying a few guidelines.

Discover what participants say

"If you're not sure where you're going to be in 10 years... then you should be on this program."

Stuart Mackintosh

CEO, OpusVL, Founder of Open UK

'Don't write a book unless you have to... but I have to. It was not possible not to do it'

Susanne Danig

Unleashing the power of the performing arts

"The time has come to raise our consciousness... if not now, then when? If not you, then who?"

Mentor Dida

Entrepreneur, Human-Centred Design Facilitator, Speaker, Consultant

We grow like a forest

When you join Ellev8: Masterpiece you join an ever-expanding, ever-evolving forest of likeminded souls. Forests grow, because 'Mother Trees' produce fruit (their Masterpiece). At the heart of this fruit is a seed. If enough seeds fall, another tree grows. At the beginning, these seedlings need more support from the forest. As they grow, they need less support, until eventually they give more back to the forest than they take. Each of us has a role to play. We heal each other. This is how we grow together. It is the Love Economy that Hazel Hendersen described in action. The structure of #Masterpiece and pricing reflects this. 

Mother Trees

You have a mature business and have been following your path for long enough to contribute to the growth of others, so you can pay the full price.


You may have been on your path for long enough to cover the costs of us running #Masterpiece, so you pay the original price.


You are just starting your journey and need all the help you can get or your part of the forest appears to in drought so all you can pay is the minimum price.

If you know you are called to join us and you can't afford the full price below, let's talk. Money is money. It's not a reason not to join.

5 Days unleashing Inner Game

Discover your Purpose and change your relationship to time, money, power and love.

5 Days upgrading Outer Game

Articulate your Mission, Masterpiece, Promise, Money & Comms Flow and Pathway.

6 Weeks deepening the work

Work with buddies and coaches to deepen your Pathway and access the Causal Plane.

2 60 minute 1:1 sessions

Resolve deep karmic blocks or get more clarity around your Masterpiece.

20 hours of video

Watch interviews with partners about Money and Power and discover how to use the tools.

11 months of support

Join the Alumni community to get the support you need to realize your Masterpiece.

Ellev8: Masterpiece

10 Modules: Inner + Outer
20 hours of video
2x 60 minute 1:1 sessions
5 buddy sessions
11 months of support


0r $600 billed monthly for a year

The next cohort starts on 17 July 2023

Join us for the next cohort and start creating your Masterpiece.

Helping the Changemakers misfits, crazy ones, artists with wild ideas to become Rainmakers by creating their Masterpiece.


Route de Chaulin 78E, Chamby, 1832, Switzerland

© 2023 Copyright The (artist) inside.  All Rights Reserved


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Pick a time to speak to us and explore whether you are ready to join #Masterpiece

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